14 April 2010

An Update on my Unborn Sibling

I'm not sure if life is ever safe or easy, but it's always good, because our God is always good.

For over the last 8 months, we have been eagerly awaiting a new blessing straight from God's hands - Mom's expecting again! It's been 5 years since a baby has been in our home, and we found ourselves so stoked about another member of the family. :)

Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.
~Psalm 127:3

In December, almost all of us went to the sonogram and saw the little one moving around; the tiny arms and legs wouldn't stand still, like he's so excited about just being! "See guys, look what God did! Look how fast I can move these feet!" It was so beautiful to peek into the hidden place where God knits together his masterpieces.

Last month, during Mom's routine appointment, the doctor discovered a heart arrhythmia. We didn't know what it meant, but we wanted to give it over to the Lord. A week of uncertainty passed. Then a day before Will's birthday the doctor confirmed a DRV (double right ventricle) and hole in the heart, as well as a missing or underdeveloped corpus collosum (in the brain), and the little feet appear clubbed. These seem to point to something like Trisomy 13 or 18. Just the shock and pain at finding out that we may have to say goodbye to this beloved child as soon as we say hello is so heart-breakingly hard, but being so close to Mom's due date, Dad and Mom have had hardly any time to figure out details and logistics. There are so many unknown factors that are making this difficult.

Our heart's desire is to savor the time Mom has to carry this precious little soul, rest in God's sovereign goodness, and wrap ourselves in His promises to carry us and work all things to His glory and our good. We are confident that through our Lord Jesus Christ we will triumph, come what may, because He has already won. It doesn't take away the pain, but it gives so much hope, comfort, and purpose, to know Jesus wept, yet for the joy set before Him he endured, and gained the victory!

We feel so blessed to be given this gift, so grateful that we can treasure this baby that doctors deem "unfit for life".
We cherish each day, knowing that each day our country "disposes" of 4,000 of the least of these through the abomination of abortion. Just maybe these little ones are here to advance the Kingdom, leave a legacy and testimony to the sacredness of life, to sanctify us and touch others, and glorify God Who ordained His praise from the mouths of babies, even if it only lasts one breath.

The due date is approaching so fast. Last night I put my hand on Mom's tummy and felt the little one moving. Life. A little hand or foot bumping my hand. Little One, do you know how much you are loved by your family?

Right now, we are wanting to rest in the Lord, and get well from some colds, hopefully before the baby gets here. He (we're all pretty sure "it" is a "he") is due on the 20th of this month, but could get here any time. We are waiting, looking forward to meeting and loving on this beautiful little boy, and seeking brave hearts for the unknown, knowing that He has gone before us...He will provide.

Thanks so much for your prayers, good friends. We cherish you!

In our great God and Savior,


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post Audrey! It's so good to see y'all are trusting in the Lord! I'm praying continually. Tell your wonderful family I said "hello" and I am praying. <3 ~Lauren W.
