16 November 2009

Serving Size: One

I was thinking the other day about food. Well, so what's new, right? :) I was pondering serving sizes, actually. Most packaged foods tell you how many serving sizes are in the box, or can, or whatever. We usually eat the more than the suggested serving size on most foods. Fast food joints feed you a meal that is easily more than one serving size, not to mention a pet peeve of mine: the "straws" they give you to slurp your super-sized soda seem more closely related to a garden hose than a straw. But I digress...

When my siblings and I make cookies, we typically double or triple the batch 'cause in larger families like ours, there just isn't enough cookie to go around otherwise. Plus, factor in a few big boys (and little ones for that matter) who think the serving size of a cookie is 5 per person and suddenly 24 cookies don't seem like that many. ;)
And occasionally the overdose of cookies leads to heartburn.

But there is another way of getting heartburn. The serving size of a human heart, contrary to what popular culture says, is only one. Like Jesus said, "No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money." - Matthew 6:24. You can't serve God and sin, God and personal peace and affluence, God and selfish ambition, God and anything else. That doesn't mean go join the local monastery or nun cloister. We serve God by loving one another, dying to self, doing our best in business, etc, and by enjoying Him forever! The human heart was made to serve one - The One. Anything else causes heartburn. Thankfully, He helps us keep our hands out of the proverbial cookie jar, and in His service!



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