03 November 2009

Jeff's 19th Birthday

November 3rd, 1990, I ceased to be an only child, because on that day, my Mom gave birth to a big ol' boy: Jeffrey David King. He was a fat and happy baby, and in the following years in diapers, very compliant with whatever plans my toddler mind schemed up. I taught him everything he knew, from climbing stairs to escaping down the street in our Pampers while Daddy napped (I was naughty, I know). 19 years into this sibling relationship, and he is no longer a jolly child with ringlets of white curls and fat rolls. He's a 6' tall 175 lb really cool guy.

Jeff, or J.D. as he is known to his friends, is 19 years old today, and sadly, isn't home to celebrate. He is working on a film adventure in south-west Montana. Since he's not here, I'll brag about him a little bit. :)

He is athletic, handsome, and smart, but better yet, he's pretty wise too. He has a vision to use filmmaking, and anything he does, to the glory of God, and I think that is awesome.
At 19, Jeff is more mature than most 20-somethings I know. He is a senior in college without setting foot in a college classroom. He has used CollegePlus online, and completely taught himself. I don't think a degree is something special, but I think his self-discipline and initiative is. And that will carry him to success, not a piece of state-certified paper. He has a humble spirit, but he's bold in truth. His heroes are men who have been courageous enough to stand for God's truth in the face of darkness, and so change history. I think he will be one of them.

So here's to my big-little brother, Jeff. I am thankful to be so blessed with such a godly brother and friend, and look forward to many more adventures together, though hopefully not in Pampers diapers. Happy Birthday Jeff!

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