waiting for summer in Southern Alberta
sweet days, sweet little people
Bicycling down the Beartooth highway, 14 miles and 4,000+ feet.
At the Bear Creek hog races.
Green no. 3 won. Cody's pig, incidentally.
Good times with good friends in Weiser, Idaho
at the Nat'l Fiddle Contest. Whoo!
This little red hen of mine went off and hatched two babies in June.
I turned 23. What!?
Rocky Mountain Regional fiddle contest in Casper Wyoming, August.
Hannah placed 2nd in Open and FIRST in Female Vocal,
as her first time entering too.
Third place young adult.
Took a cake icing class. Let's just say the brothers were at least
happy with all the available cakes for a few weeks. :)
The occasional delicious rain over the prairie.
Dear Audrey,
ReplyDeleteI could not find any other way to contact you so decided to use the comment form.
I found your blog through the Josts. After browsing for a few minutes, I discovered that you had a little brother who was diagnosed with Trisomy 18. I, too, had a brother born with Trisomy 18. Imagine my surprise when I saw that your brother, Isaac, had been born the day before my brother, Philip.
Thank you for your wonderful testimony! As I read your posts, I was strengthened and encouraged. The pictures of little Isaac are beautiful.
Our family's journey with Trisomy 18 started in April 2010. We were told that our unborn brother had Trisomy 18 and was termed "incompatible with life". We strongly believe that children, no matter how "different" they are in the world's eyes, are a wonderful blessing from the Lord. On April 24, 2010, Philip Gregg Sikma made his entrance into this world.
Philip struggled with apnea and there were many times in which we thought he had taken his last breath. Each of the 61 days Philip was here was a gift from God and we cherished each moment we had him.
You can view our complete journey with Philip here: sikmaarchives.wordpress.com. Our family blog is located at sikmafamily12.wordpress.com. Feel free to use the contact form to get in touch with us.
In Christ,
Abbie Sikma
Dear Abbie,
DeleteI thought I commented back a while ago, apparently it didn't post! So sorry about that. Thanks for your encouraging words! Wow, your story about your precious little brother is amazing! What a gift. And what a testimony you have of standing for the Lord and cherishing that time you had with Philip! The timing of little Philip's birth right after my little brother Isaac's, that is just wild.
So you found my blog through the Josts? They are good friends of ours, but I don't know how one could find my blog from them. That's neat anyway! :)
If you're ever in Montana, please look us up!
Blessings in Christ,
Audrey King