20 November 2012

Winds of Change, Wings of Grace

Sometimes, it feels like life never changes. But that's just surface appearances. It's the little things that add up, and all the sudden break out in change. That's why the small stuff is so very important. And in this life, things must change. Like C.S. Lewis said,  

It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.

It can be hard though. Whatever stage we are in, we can feel too comfortable with where we're at, instead of pressing further out into the deeps of God's promises. We curl up in our shells and feel that life is going just fine. But God in His infinite wisdom, holiness, and love, wants so much more for us than personal peace, a sense of morality, a bit of pocket-change, and our cozy self-deception of being able to "handle" it all. He wants our hearts wholly, and He wants them holy. So He cracks our shells.

I had a feeling this past year was going to be different. Looking back now from the cool vantage point of late fall, Thanksgiving season, the main theme that has arisen is change, and the truth that in this life nothing ever stays the same. Except one thing. Okay, two things.

First, my fragile little heart is always in motion. Always floating, drifting, being tossed about in the waves of life. Second and most important, my great God and Savior Jesus Christ never changes. He is always the same, yesterday, today, and for all the unknowns. He remains steadfast and sure, an anchor for the soul.

by N.C. Wyeth

Take courage from the example of the Pilgrims. They left cozy England, climbed into small wooden ships, and embarked upon a perilous journey across a great deep into a greater unknown. They faced unrelenting hardships in the New World. They could have stayed "safe" in England, if they would give up their freedom to worship God. But they knew the only truly safe place was found in casting themselves on the promises of the Lord. So they chose a holy adventure and a hard pursuit of the Kingdom of God. In the words of William Bradford,"They committed themselves to the will of God, and resolved to proceed." The Lord wanted their obedience, even in the teeth of trials, that would light a beacon of faith for future generations. He proved to be their courage and strength in weakness. They persevered bravely, and gave thanks. Their world was shaken, so that what was unshakeable could remain.

"All great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage.   William Bradford, Pilgrim 

This year, different things have been shaken in our world, and in small ways just in my own life. And it has been uncomfortable. But...it has been good. Because He is shaking things that I tend to put my trust and identity in, even good things, so that what cannot be shaken can remain: Christ Himself, His finished work, His victory and power, His Kingdom, and His great love for His children, for me, in spite of me.

Consider this. It doesn't get more dire and hopeless than Ephesians 2:1-3: "And you were dead in trespasses and sins...sons of disobedience...by nature children of wrath." But then in verse 4 come the most glorious two words in the history of mankind: "But God." And everything changed. The grand thing is, when we get out of our little shells, when we leave the harbor, no matter what comes, we aren't left to ourselves. God promises to be with us. It doesn't get more hopeful than that!

Earlier in the summer, I went to put up the chickens one warm, soft evening. In the dim, musty barn was a seemingly ordinary, mundane scene. Our little red hen had hatched babies, and she lay on the ground in the corner of the coop (since the chicks couldn't roost yet) with her little ones nestled under her heart, safe.

And what struck me with so much weight and reality is this: that's how the Lord of the universe describes Himself and His tender care of His children! Astounding, isn't it? As I stood in the dirty coop, my eyes welled up as that truth soaked in:

He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge.  ― Psalm 91:3
Because You have been my help, Therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice.  ― Psalm 63:7

We can't know the incredible closeness our Heavenly Father wants with us when we have various shells separating us from seeing Him clearly. We get too comfortable in our dangerous English harbors. But praise HIM, He gives us courage to break through, embark on the voyage that we were made for, and He keeps watch over us. He is infinitely worthy of our trust.

"Faith is a reasoning trust, a trust which reckons thoughtfully and confidently upon the trustworthiness of God."  ― John Stott

“Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake.”   ― Victor Hugo

In this grand adventure of life, we have steadfast promises made by our unchanging Lord Jesus Christ that He has saved us by His grace (Eph. 2:8), delivered us from darkness, forgiven our sins, placed us in His Kingdom (Col.1:13-14), pronounced us righteous in Christ (2 Cor. 5:21), adopted us as His children (Rom. 8:15), nothing can separate us from His love (Rom. 8:37-39), He has overcome the world (John 16:33), He has defeated the enemy (Col. 2:15), He has broken our bondage to sin (Rom. 6:12-23), He will be with us always (Matt. 28:20), and He will finish the work He's begun in us (Phil. 1:6), even now He Himself works in us to will and do His good pleasure (Phil. 2:13), and He will help us break free from all the shells we find ourselves in (Heb. 4:14-16). He will lead us on as our Captain (Heb. 2:10), and be our Anchor (Heb. 6:17-20) in the winds of change.

So what are we afraid of anyway? By HIS grace, I want to know Him better, see Christ more clearly, venture wholly out into His promises, and whatever it takes, be changed more and more into His image.

“A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for."

So let's press on, hidden in Christ and looking to Him. Fearless.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Duty (Quote)

“It is a terrible thing to be happy! How pleased we are with it! How all-sufficient we think it! How, being in possession of the false aim of life, happiness, we forget the true aim, duty!”   ― Victor Hugo, Les MisĂ©rables


31 October 2012

Indiana in the Fall

The last embers of Autumn in Upland

skipping down Spencer Avenue

So grateful for this family.

King family history: Uncle Jon and Ivanhoe's

Games with Pepa

Happy Reformation Day!


10 October 2012

06 October 2012

Grace for Generations

We recently spent a lovely, refreshing, joyful time with my grandparents on Dad's side. I'll never stop being amazed at the faithful hand of the Lord in their lives that breaches generations and touches my life. My favorite thing to do when Pepa and Mema come, besides playing hot games of Rook and Peanuts, is to listen to their stories, and see the faithfulness of the Lord.

"Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations. ...Let Your work be shown to your servants, and your glorious power to their children. Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!"
- Psalm 90:1,16-17         


01 October 2012

AXED! A Brand New Film Project!

Ok everyone! My brother's new film project has JUST GONE LIVE TODAY!  It is called Axed: The End of Green and is going to take on the dark side of the "Green Movement" that is so prevalent in our modern world, and seems to be dictating so many facets of life.  This is not going to be easy, but it is necessary.

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.  - George Orwell 

We need help, people to stand with us to speak the truth in love, without compromise, about a grand deception that is fast becoming a chief way to lose property rights, freedom, and our ability to think Biblically about God's created Earth.  As Edmund Burke famously said,

The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

So check out the project here, watch the video, and JOIN THE FRAY!

13 September 2012

Culinary Reformation: A Good Blog

Hear that? Rumble. It's inside us all. A hungry tummy. It's that small nudge inside each of us, that proves the wisdom of our Creator in His ordering of the universe. It reminds us that we are dependent creatures. We were made to hunger, in order to eat, in order to be nourished, in order to survive, to thrive, to realize that all things come from His kind hand, for in Him we live, move, and have our being.

Food is a gift from God. Not just a necessity, but also a pleasure. He created us to eat, then hid all these diverse, creative flavors in foods that not only nourish, but delight us. But somewhere along the last century, we lost something. We became out of touch with the truth that in His wisdom, our Creator intended our bodies (His temple), to be nourished, and in being the most nourished, we would be the most delighted.

So we left the old paths, left behind true nourishment in exchange for convenience and saving some dollars (and therefore making some dollars), and we pursued in our Age of Technology shortcuts, fast-food to keep up with our fast lives, and we've ended up with hosts of modern fake foods and all manner of modern diseases. The irony is that we haven't saved much time or money when so many today find themselves inconvenienced in a hospital. It's a costly price to pay.

The good news is that the old paths are still there, waiting to be rediscovered. My dear friend, Renée DeGroot, is out to help people find them, rethink their philosophy of food, and live healthier, happier lives. She is the author of the book, Health for Godly Generations, and blog, Culinary Reformation. Both are good resources with lots of interesting insights and wisdom from her studies. In her own words from the blog on why she chose to name it Culinary Reformation:

Culinary: of or relating to the kitchen, cookery, and cuisine. 
 Reformation: the act of abolishing errors and putting into a better form or condition.
All things having to do with food and the kitchen need to be renewed—purposefully established according to their value for our lives. This culinary reformation includes learning about old, traditional ways and incorporating them into our modern lives in a manner that promotes wellness with simplicity.  ... Most of all, I want to see people cared for, healthy, and happy. That includes you, and I hope you’ll join me for this adventure!

I love food, and by food I don't mean a hot dog from the gas station. I mean real whole food, minimally processed, traditional, wisely and creatively prepared to delight the senses and nourish the whole body. Because real food is healthful, and also incredibly important, it tastes good! So I believe it's important to be educated about eating wisely, for health now, for future generations, all to the glory of God.

So study, then eat, and give a toast to real food and culinary reformations!


28 August 2012

Snapshots of Summer

waiting for summer in Southern Alberta

sweet days, sweet little people

Bicycling down the Beartooth highway, 14 miles and 4,000+ feet.

At the Bear Creek hog races.

Green no. 3 won. Cody's pig, incidentally.

Good times with good friends in Weiser, Idaho
at the Nat'l Fiddle Contest. Whoo!

This little red hen of mine went off and hatched two babies in June.

I turned 23. What!?

Rocky Mountain Regional fiddle contest in Casper Wyoming, August. 
Hannah placed 2nd in Open and FIRST in Female Vocal,
 as her first time entering too.

Third place young adult.

Took a cake icing class. Let's just say the brothers were at least 
happy with all the available cakes for a few weeks. :)

The occasional delicious rain over the prairie.

09 August 2012


I coined a word a few years ago. Yes I did!

You know what it's like. We sometimes meet people in the passing courses of our lives that we wish would stay, we wish to spend more time with, and we leave feeling warmed yet with a strange ache for more. For what reason, we try to put a finger on the weight of that magnetism. They may or may not have an attractive face, but you know it goes deeper; they are illustrated on the face with the beauty of their heart. The beautiful light of kindness and goodness gleams in their eyes, and when you look, you see a beautiful soul. They are bellanimous. And I want to be too.

It has roots with "magnanimous", but I think it is distinct enough to merit its own place in a vocabulary.

       Bellanimous: [bell-an-i-mous] adjective

1. Beautiful of soul or mind; marked by a gentle and quiet spirit; delighting the spirit; loving.
2. Dictated by bellanimity; exhibiting excellence of spirit or mind; having beautiful character qualities that give great satisfaction to the soul; honorable.
Origin: 2008  < Latin  bellanimous  beautiful-souled, equivalent to bell(us) beautiful + anim(us) spirit, soul, mind + -us ous.

Of course, a soul or mind is beautiful only in as much as it reflects the beauty of Christ who is the Source of all beauty! He alone can beautify our ugly sin-marred spirits, and clothe us with His own beautiful holiness. As He said in the Scriptures,
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
    because he has anointed me
    to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives
    and recovering of sight to the blind,
     to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
19  to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.”

If that is not beautiful, I confess I must not know the meaning of the word.

So. Add it to your vocabulary if you think it is a good word, and let me know what you think of my definitions. Feel free to help further define bellanimous.


08 August 2012

If God is good, why do bad things happen? {Video}

I have loved this video clip ever since I first saw it a few years ago, so it's high time to share it here.

This is your rock-solid, heartfelt answer to the age-old question "If God is so good and powerful, why do bad things happen?" By the ever eloquent and apropos Voddie Baucham.

If you haven't seen this video (it's been around a lil' while), you can fix that right now:


21 July 2012

To Shed Joy (Victor Hugo Quote)

Let your light so shine. Be inspired.

To shed joy, to radiate happiness, to cast light upon dark days, to be the golden thread of our destiny, the spirit of grace and harmony - is not this to render a service? Here and there we meet one who possesses the power of enchanting all about her; her presence lights up the house, her approach is like a cheering warmth; she passes by, and we are content; she stays a while, and we are happy. She is the Aurora with a human face. Is it not a thing divine to have a smile which, none know how, has the power to lighten the weight of that enormous chain which all in common drag behind them?                                   
- Victor Hugo  

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.
- Gal. 5:22-23          
In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.  Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
- 1 John 4:10-11       


09 May 2012

Spring Again


Spring always does something to me. When the warm wind blows from the south like a "wave of unreasonable happiness" and a green blush is resurrected on earth's face in a creaturely imitation of its risen Creator, I feel the irresistible magnetism of an entire hemisphere engaged in a vivacious act of wild revelry: the JOY of LIFE. It comes like a thief in the night, not to kill but to resuscitate and say, "It's good to be home!"
The rain leaves puddles of sky in the roads, like celestial confetti, so that the dark silhouette of terra firma seems but a crust sandwiched between the fire-lit skies of two different worlds above and below my feet, and the flaming sky-filled potholes become portals betwixt the two. I walk home balanced on the crust, the purple shadows emitting a backdrop of peace, and the sun's last rays setting the windows of home ablaze in a passion. As the sunset changes hues, the curlews whirl overhead with their woodwind song, the ground releases its deep earthy notes, and the spring peepers strike up a chorus, all to remind the world that it's really alive, to feel the blood and breath inside and BE JOYOUSLY ALIVE.

07 April 2012

Mercy Has Swallowed Up All Misery

Every good thing we could think or desire is to be found in this same Jesus Christ alone...He died for our life; so that by Him fury is made gentle, wrath appeased, darkness turned into light, fear reassured, despisal despised, debt canceled, labor lightened, sadness made merry,...death dead, mortality made immortal. In short, mercy has swallowed up all misery, and goodness all misfortune.
- John Calvin


29 March 2012

Spring Chickens

It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.
- C.S. Lewis


21 March 2012

Inherit a Kingdom

“I heard a good man say he should be content to win a corner behind the door. I shall not be.

The Lord says we shall inherit a kingdom. We would not be satisfied to inherit less, because less than that would not suit our character. ‘He has made us kings and priests unto God,’ and we must reign forever and ever, or be as wretched as deposed monarchs.

Beloved, strive after, more and more, that which the Spirit of God will give you—a kingly heart. Do not be among those who are satisfied and content with the miserable nature of ordinary humanity.” — Charles Spurgeon


12 March 2012

Texas Hill Country

Meeting the Texan springtime, near Fredericksburg.

The first brave faces of spring.



A semi heart-shaped cactus in the pure morning light.

The wolf exterminator.



27 February 2012

Crying Wolf at the SAICFF

My brother J.D. was awarded with "Best Creation Film" for his documentary Crying Wolf at the 2012 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival!

"A desire accomplished is sweet to the soul." - Proverbs 13:19

“[T]his project wasn’t [fundamentally] about wolves or wolf re-introduction
but about reintroducing to the world biblical concepts of stewardship and dominion.”
- J.D. King

Christ-centered Kingdom vision for

future generations saturated the festival.


01 January 2012

Happy New Year!

A good word from Puritan J.C. Ryle to kick off the new Year of our Lord 2012!
