22 June 2010

June Days

The temperature outside is near perfect on this peaceful June day. Silver clouds lightly veil the sun, and the slight breeze touches the green prairie grasses like an old friend. You'd never know we had severe thunderstorms and tornado warnings a few days ago. Thankfully the worst of it missed us here. Here, we smell the freshness of the rain and hear the awesome peals of thunder, feel the shake of its fury and see the flash of its power. Yes, Jesus brought the rain to the prairies and to our lives, and we're all the more vibrant because of it. Someday, the days will be more than near perfect. The fury of the storm will be calmed, and the Sun of righteousness will rise with healing in His wings. And I think June will be eternal.

Tomorrow, Isaac would be 2 months old. It's hard to believe that it's been that long, or hasn't been that long. Everyday we miss him. Tears sneak up on us, even though we know they're always there. It's a new experience for us, life under a teardrop. It's not really a bad thing; it's where we're at. It's sanctifying, when grief lays it's hand on your heart. Maybe we are being molded into the image of Christ a bit more, because He was a Man of sorrows, acquainted with grief. But we don't sorrow like those without hope, no! For the JOY set before Him Jesus endured! No, we rejoice in the Lord always, with grateful hearts. At least, by His grace we try. He is faithful, and He is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

It's the balm of Gilead when other human hearts enter the Jordan with us, when we hand pictures around and smile and tell of the ways God moved through their prayers. Thank you for reaching out and listening with your hearts. It's so good to share the earthy humanity and the heavenly beams shining through the cracks in our earthen vessels. God is working in lives; we just heard more confirmation of it yesterday. Continue to pray for the doctors and nurses who, as one told us yesterday, may have seen God's love for the first time through our time with Isaac. Maybe it is a fresh ray of hope on a near perfect June day.


  1. I have been thinking of you, precious King family. I so love what you said about living life under a teardrop. You are so wise to know this is "where you are at". It won't always feel so dark...I promise. You will walk out of this valley. Praying for you as 2 months without sweet Isaac in your arms. All of you love in amazing ways...praying for comfort and peace for your hearts.

    Sending love,

  2. Audrey, what you wrote is so beautiful, and I love the pictures of little Isaac. What wonderful, mighty names that tiny boy had, and now he's living up to them in Heaven with Jesus!

    You and Anna are such kindred spirits with your photography and lovely prose. You should visit her blog:

    Love to you all and I am praying you have a safe trip home.

  3. You are a powerful writer, Audrey. Your posts about Isaac made me cry; I'm so glad your camera came in time for you to take those precious, precious pictures. It was a blessing to meet you and your family at the conference, and it's a HUGE blessing to know you guys live in Montana, too! I sure hope we can get together again in the not too distant future. :-)

    Continue writing because I'm reading!

    Anna Friedrich

  4. You haven't met me, but you did meet my Mom and sister at the recent conference. They had a wonderful time with you, and I hope to meet you, too. Your writing is beautiful, and the pictures of your baby brother were incredibly sweet. Please do keep writing, as I also will be reading. Maybe I'll see you sometime when I come to visit Montana. :)


  5. Laura, we so treasure the keepsakes from String of Pearls, and are so grateful for your ministry. Thanks for your sweet comment.

    Mrs. Friedrich, thanks for your kind words! Anna, I have just briefly perused your blog, and I can tell that I can't wait to have time to read more! I love your photography; I'm simply inspired. I so look forward to seeing you all again, since we will be neighbors (if you're in MT, that counts as a neighbor :) hopefully in the not-too-distant future. And meeting you BekahJo! Thanks for your encouraging words too. :) Soli Deo Gloria!
