I was reading in J.C. Ryle's book Holiness: Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties and Roots a while ago, and I came across this paragraph that struck me, and I copied it down in a little black Moleskine. I just reread it there, and thought you should read it too . . .
"Hundreds of hermits have buried themselves in some wilderness, and thousands of men and women have shut themselves up within the walls of monasteries and convents, under the vain idea that by so doing they would escape sin and become imminently holy. They have forgotten that no bolts and bars can keep out the devil, and that, wherever we go, we carry that root of all evil, our own hearts. To become a monk or nun, or to join a house of mercy, is not the high road to sanctification. True holiness does not make a Christian evade difficulties, but face and overcome them. Christ would have His people show that His grace is not a mere hothouse plant, which can only thrive under shelter, but a strong, hardy thing which can flourish in every relation of life... It is not the man who hides himself in a cave, but the man who glorifies God as master or servant, parent or child, in the family and in the street, in business and trade, who is the scriptural type of a sanctified man."
- J.C.Ryle, from Holiness
(John 17:15)
-ak PS For extra credit, watch The Village.
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