You've been around for a while. Every year, you come back and make an appearance. There are many songs written about you. Movies about you come out each December. I have fond associations of you. But I think that something that was once good has been led astray for a while now.
Once upon a time, in the 300s A.D., you lived in what is now Turkey. You were a real person, and your name was Nicholas. Back then, you knew the meaning of Christmas. You took Jesus' words to heart, spending your whole inheritance to care for the less fortunate. You suffered persecution and imprisonment by the Roman Emperor Diocletian for believing in a Babe lying in a manger. On Dec. 6th, 343, you died.
I'm sure that you wouldn't approve of your metamorphosis into Santa Clause since then. They really have ripped you out your context. Round and jolly, you help sell Coca-cola bottles this time of year. They say you make a list and check it twice to find out who's been naughty or nice.'re not omniscient or omnipresent. You're not even around anymore.
But, God is. And He has a naughty and nice list too. But on His list, everyone is naughty with a capital N. Nobody is good, no not one. No one, except One, that is. And thankfully, God gave His best Gift to naughty children like me. And children need to believe that much more than they need to believe you can fly around the world with reindeer, distributing gifts in a single night. Not to mention the absurd physics that would be involved. They need to know Who really knows when they are sleeping, and knows when they're awake.
Now don't get me wrong, I think giving gifts is definitely a good thing. It is legitimate to give and receive during Christmas for the simple reason that the Gift we received 2000 years ago was not just wrapping paper and a meaningless box. There was Something inside that Gift, and it gives meaning to all the ribbons, cookies, lights, stockings, eggnog, and traditions...even you, St. Nick, if you don't try to replace it. The birth of our Lord has made all the difference in the world. And that is worth celebrating!
"You shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins."
- Matthew 1:20-21
Merry Christmas!
Love your sentiments. The light shines on the ritcheous and the unricheous. Be Blessed!