September 4th twelve years ago, our family was blessed with a blue-eyed bundle of joy...
...and twelve years later, Wyatt James King continues to add barrels of joy to our lives.
It seems like not-so-long ago we were taking turns pushing him around in a stroller, seeing the world reflected in his big baby blues. Now he has grown into quite a wonderful person, and we still have the blessing of seeing the world through his eyes...
Wyatt is loving. Its normal to get greeted by a back-patting teeth-rattling hug in the morning. Even those who were complete strangers five minutes before find themselves being loved by their new friend, Wyatt.
He is outgoing. He loves watching sports, especially baseball. Just recently, he has picked up golf and can be found chipping around in our yard. One of his favorite things is going to friend's houses to play.
He is genuine. When he is happy, his face shows it. When he is glad to see you, he lets you know. When he is thankful, he says "thank you God". He's not shy about asking you to rub his back, and he isn't afraid to ask you for water. And he'll thank you for it.
Above all, Wyatt is a blessing. He is precisely where the Lord wants him. He shows us all lessons in trust, sincere love, thankfulness, and joy. And he is fun. His giggle is contagious.
Here's to my awesome little brother, Wyatt.